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Prinsies & Prinsessies Private School is a Private Nursery School in Pretoria, assisting in the development of babies to Grade RR.
Prinsies & Prinsessies Private School strives to assist you with the nurturing and guidance of your children through the early part of their life-journey.
With love, care and passion for children we offer a safe environment, where your child will confidently be able to develop to their full potential by partaking in games, sporting activities and special stimulating educational programs.
Prinsies & Prinsessies is registered as a school at the Department of Education, Health and Tshwane Municipality with trained teachers and staff members.
With 34 years’ experience in the development and care of babies and children, Prinsies & Prinsessies provides a safe and secure environment for children to learn and play at their home away from home.
We are passionate about kids of all ages and encourage parent’s involvement and co-operation which will strengthen the bond between staff and children.

Prinsies & Prinsessies is registered as a school at the Department of Education

Prinsies & Prinsessies Privaat Skool is ‘n Privaat Kleuterskool in Pretoria en bied ondersteuning in die ontwikkeling van babas tot Graad RR.
Prinsies & Prinsessies Privaat Skool streef daarna om jou te help met die versorging en leiding van jou kinders deur die vroeë stadium van hul lewens reis.
Met liefde, sorg en passie vir kinders bied ons ‘n veilige omgewing waar u kind met selfvertroue kan ontwikkel en tot hul volle potensiaal deur deelname aan speletjies, sport aktiwiteite en spesiale stimulerende opvoedkundige programme.
Prinsies & Prinsessies is geregistreer as ‘n skool by die Departement van Onderwys, Gesondheid en Tshwane-munisipaliteit met opgeleide onderwysers en personeel.
Met 34 jaar ervaring in die ontwikkeling en versorging van babas en kinders, bied Prinsies & Prinsessies ‘n veilige omgewing vir kinders om te leer en te speel.
Ons is passievol oor kinders van alle ouderdomme en moedig ouers se betrokkenheid en samewerking aan, wat die band tussen personeel en kinders sal versterk.

With love, care and passion for children | Prinsies & Prinsessies Private Nursery School

At Prinsies & Prinsessies Private School we aim to develop your child’s potential.
We offer personal attention and provide each and every child with as much assistance and guidance as possible to further their skills and development.
We focus on the following development aspects to give children the opportunity to learn and develop a love of knowledge:
![]() Questions & Answers
Answers to additional questions you may have…

Prinsies & Prinsessies Privaat Skool streef daarna om jou kind te ondersteun om hul volle potensiaal te bereik.
Ons bied persoonlike aandag en voorsien elke kind met soveel hulp en leiding as moontlik om hul vaardighede en ontwikkeling te bevorder.
Ons fokus op die volgende aspekte van ontwikkeling sodat kinders ‘n liefde vir kennis kan ontwikkel:
![]() Vrae en Antwoorde
Antwoorde vir enige addisionele vrae wat u mag hê…
With love, care and passion for children | Prinsies & Prinsessies Private Nursery School

Prinsies & Prinsessies Private Nursery School / Prinsies & Prinsessies Private Kleuterskool
- English / Afrikaans
- Babies 3 months – Gr. 00
- Open: 06h45 – 17h30
- Qualified Teachers
- Half day and full day Meals and snacks included
- Open during School Holidays
- Extra mural activities
- Spacious playground Loads of educational toys
- Excellent security with cameras
- Easy access to N1 & R21
Enroll today! Registreer vandag!

With love, care and passion for children | Prinsies & Prinsessies Private Nursery School

Extra Mural Activities available at Prinsies & Prinsessies Private School include / Buitemuurse aktiwiteite beskikbaar by Prinsies & Prinsessies Privaat Skool sluit in:
Play Miniland
Swimming / Swem
Miki Maths Magic
Rugga Kids

Play Miniland is a new model of learning that promotes a combined approach to real and digital play. Miniland Educational real toys are supported by innovative digital resources, so as to provide a fun-filled learning experience.
In 2016 we are starting this new exciting extra mural activity in which your child can become computer literate and play in the same time.
It is a new way of learning through play with real toys supported with the use of digital games on a digital device like a tablet.

Constantia Park Swim School
- Babies, beginners and strokes
- 11m Indoor heated pool
- small groups for better results
- reputable references
- safe transportation available

Miki Maths Magic
Developing a child’s ability to think and understand through using models. Ensure confidence to solve problems and effective strategies for number operations. We offer a structured curriculum and social interactions.
Find out more about Miki Maths Magic.

An educational program that offers your child the opportunity to extend basic movement experience. Playball has developed separate learning material for each age group according to developmental milestones for that specific age.
Playball coaches are partners in education who work alongside school staff to give your child the best chance in developing optimally.
Find out more about Playball.

Verbeter Selfvertroue
Karate klasse word nou aangebied vir alle kinders 3 jaar en ouer.

Rugga Kids
Rugga Kids will develop your child’s physical abilities and gross motor-skill coordination through a fun, positive, energetic and confidence building curriculum, all whilst focusing on the safety aspects of the game. Rugga Kids was founded on a love for rugby and a love for kids!
Find out more about Rugga Kids.
With love, care and passion for children | Prinsies & Prinsessies Private Nursery School

With love, care and passion for children | Prinsies & Prinsessies Private Nursery School

Contact us to assist with your child’s Birthday Parties. We offer party packs, entertainment and party planning, balloons, catering, personalized cakes and more!
View our Party Venue |
With love, care and passion for children | Prinsies & Prinsessies Private Nursery School

Physical Address: 472 Konkiep Street, Erasmuskloof, Pretoria (Tshwane)
Postal Address: PO Box 486, Newlands, Pretoria (Tshwane)
Postal Code: 0049
Telephone: +27(0)123478923
Mobile: +27(0)825683982
Email: ppkleuterskool@gmail.com
Website: http://www.prinsiesenprinsessies.co.za
Directions: Head North East on N1 towards Pretoria. Take the Rigel Avenue exit towards Delmas Road. Turn right onto Rigel Avenue and continue to follow Delmas Road. Turn left onto Nossob Street. Turn left onto Lois Avenue. Take the 1st left onto Komga Street. Turn left onto Kenega Street. Take the 1st right onto Konkiep Street.
Latitude: -25.816650
Longitude: 28.267510
Please note: Please contact the Principal – Amanda Viljoen on 082 568 3982 or Deputy Principal Rita van Aswegen on 083 256 1052.
Alternative email address: info@prinsiesenprinsessies.co.za